STARtorialist on the News!
Our Dare Mighty Things Mars 2020 parachute skirt recently made an appearance on the local news in Cleveland, Ohio with reporter Kelly Dobeck—and so did our very own Emily Rice!

I was thrilled to be interviewed for 19 News' recently aired segment on "out of this world fashion" featuring Erin Winick, founder of Sci Chic, who was behind this amazing design, her husband and collaborator Alex. My first appearance in the clip describes STARtorialist's origins as a fun side project that has now grown into a bustling online shop, with new products being added all the time!
Erin goes on to explain how fashion is a great way to engage people who otherwise might not be interested in science, and how the incredible Perseverance rover landing inspired this skirt. Erin says she loves how design like this allows her to "inspire both men and women alike who might have different interests who aren't the 'typical scientist' and try to help redefine what people think of when they think of a scientist."
Dobeck's narration emphasized how creativity is truly important in science, using STARtorialist as an example of expressing that creativity. Another bit from me closed out the interview, explaining that "so many people contribute to science in so many different ways, and actually, science is better for that diversity of people and ideas." This is a core value of STARtorialist and the motivation behind so much of what we do!
Thanks to Kelly and 19 News for featuring us!